Heal Pass >>>
Heal Pass >>>
Heal Passes hold the key to our CODE GREEN ecosystem — a community united by the power of art, gaming and new technologies to advance social, climate, and gender justice causes around the world.
About the Art
Our very own @mcsk has created the artwork for the passes.
The BEE is the symbol of our passes, signifying Earth’s healing ecosystem that binds nature and humankind inextricably together. Without bees, life as we know it simply would not exist. They pollinate a third of everything we eat and play a vital role in sustaining the planet’s ecosystems.The bee also speaks to the power of community. They live in societies that mirror our own in size and complexity. A single hive contains an average of 80,000 bees which work for the greater good through collaboration and acceptance to build the hive, gather food, and feed the next generation of bees.
We like to think of our Code Green community in a similar way — that working for the common good in harmony and respect for one another, not only helps heal the planet but empowers our own individual healing journey.
You can collect our pass and support our mission HERE